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Nancy - International Forum Bois Construction 2024

19 June 2024 Alumni

The 13th edition of the Forum International Bois Construction was held from April 3 to 5 in Nancy, France, with carbon storage as this year's theme. A highly professional event, with 300 conferences, 350 speakers, 250 exhibitors and 4,000 delegates, according to the organization's own figures.

You can find the proceedings, catalog and various retrospectives on the event website:

Despite the absence of Silvi, our dear Chargée de Missions, the AIESB was represented by 4 of its directors, François, Laurent, Damien and Simon. In Spinalien, and in the absence of an official AIESB stand, the Board of Directors had to turn out in force!

A good fifteen alumni, from the 60th to the 81st promo, gave a good representation of our alumni who got together for a drink (you can't do it over again) on the bangs of the Forum. It was a great way to get together and meet new people, which lasted well into the night.

The next big event will be the 17th Carrefour International du Bois from May 28 to 30, 2024. The AIESB will of course be present with a stand, and the ESB will be celebrating its 90th anniversary!

Don't forget to reserve your evening on Tuesday May 28 for the special evening organized by the ESB , to which we hope to attract many former graduates > Registration.
We're counting on you to join us for this great moment in the wood industry, and to share a good time just like the one we had in Nancy.

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