
archives of M. Bontoux archives of M. Bontoux
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Archives: Les Bontoux, ESB from father to son

17 May 2024 Alumni

AIESB alumni share their stories and archives! Feel like sharing yours? Write to us.

Today we have the pleasure of discovering the story of the Bontoux family. Alain Bontoux, ESB 17 (1932) and Frédéric Bontoux ETB 23 (1962) have kindly opened their family album to us. And wood plays a central role. Joseph, Albert and Abel each wrote a page in the family history. Alain graduated in 1953 and devoted his career to the family business, with which he remembers delivering parquet floors to the Château de Vienne and the USA. He now lives in Morbihan, France, and his message to the students is as follows:

I wish them all the best. May they work hard to do what we haven't been able to do in the whole industry. From the log to the finished product.

Frédéric, ETB 23, created B2F Formation and is a regular speaker at ESB.

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1 Comment

Alain DÉCUQ (Engineer, 35)
8 months ago
Qui reste encore parmi nous de cette 18em promo fort décimée; tous nonagénaires; MOREL? MEISSONNIER?
Qui pourrait me dire le devenir de MALHERBE, le parqueteur de CONLIE 72 qui avait 50 ans d'avance sur les "énergies dites nouvelles aujourd'hui", avec lequel nous sillonnions pour 3francs six sous dans les années 80 les routes de la SARTHE à bord de sa fantastique "Versailles" à gazogène;? Quel homme remarquable! Ce fut un "très" grand président des marchands de bois sarthois;
réponse à : "" ou 06 08 02 90 45

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